Retail Security Business: Securitas Acquires Belgian Security Services Company Cobelguard

Securitas has agreed to acquire the Belgian security services company Cobelguard. Enterprise value is estimated to MSEK 347 (MEUR 39).Cobelguard has annual sales of approximately M...

Securitas has agreed to acquire the Belgian security services company Cobelguard. Enterprise value is estimated to MSEK 347 (MEUR 39).

Cobelguard has annual sales of approximately MSEK 535 (MEUR 60) and approximately 1,600 employees. The company is mainly operating in guarding in Belgium, and has also operations in Luxemburg.

Securitas is one of the leading players in the security services market in Belgium. With this acquisition, Securitas will strengthen its position in the retail segment. The acquisition is subject to approval from Belgian competition authorities.

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Securitas AB

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