11.05.2024 • News

Bosch Conferencing Expands Languages and Features

A wider group of customers can now experience the benefits of Dicentis Hybrid Meetings with the latest rollout of this cloud-hosted end-to-end hybrid conference solution. The technology update is part of an ongoing mission of Bosch Building Technologies to meet the rapidly evolving needs of the modern professional conferencing environment.

Video conferencing with up to 31 simultaneous interpreted languages
Video conferencing with up to 31 simultaneous interpreted languages
© Bosch Building Technologies

Dicentis Hybrid Meetings is a fully native end-to-end solution that ticks all the boxes for highly efficient, legally compliant meetings. It combines the best of both worlds with an efficient mix of on-site and remote participants, reflecting the future of conferencing in professional meeting environments.

The seamless hybrid meeting environment provides everyone with equal participation options in a familiar, easy-to-use software interface to provide the best meeting experience.

31 Languages Now Available

Regardless of their physical location, each participant is fully involved and enjoys the same speech priorities, voting rights, content sharing options and now also a language selection feature with the possibility to select from up to 31 interpretation languages.

This functionality helps to expand the applications where Dicentis Hybrid Meetings can be used. The language selection option allows remote participants for international meetings, inter-governmental gatherings and within multinational organisations to fully engage with the meeting as if they were physically in the room.

Dicentis Hybrid Meetings offers specific functions for professional meeting environments such as councils, ministries and international institutes, to ensure a complete and stable conference workflow. This is centrally controlled over a straightforward, intuitive interface for the chairperson.

The solution, which benefits from cloud hosting by Bosch for customers’ peace of mind, is secure and data-privacy compliant and is backed by industry-standard evaluation and certification.

Following an intense period of testing, Dicentis Hybrid Meetings has passed its penetration test from the esteemed usd HeroLab with flying colours, demonstrating its cyber resilience. Receiving this penetration test certificate is living proof of our unwavering commitment to meet the highest standards. 

Expanded European Coverage

Dicentis Hybrid Meetings is now more accessible to a wider range of customers. The language selection option allows for remote participants to select and listen to up to 31 simultaneous interpreter languages, making it particularly useful for international meeting environments like conference centres, international institutes as well as to rental companies serving multi-lingual meetings.

In addition, the number of countries where Dicentis Hybrid Meetings is available has grown. The initial launch of Dicentis Hybrid Meetings focused on eight key European countries – Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, the UK and Italy.

This has expanded with a further 13 European countries – Portugal, Hungary, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Preparations are underway to make the solution available in more regions.

Training options are now available to support this broader base of potential customers. Online training is available via the Learning Management System from the Bosch Building Technologies Academy, while classroom training can be booked via local sales representatives.

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