
29.08.2013 • News

Basler AG Expands Management Board

Today, the supervisory board of Basler AG has resolved changes in the management board in order to prepare the company's management for the planned future growth from both an organ...

15.06.2012 • News

Videor E. Hartig: attends IFSEC 2009

Videor E. Hartig: attends IFSEC 2009. With Videor E. Hartig one of the leading European Multibrand Distributors will be an exhibitor at IFSEC again in 2009 – and increase its booth...

13.10.2011 • News

Basler Becomes ONVIF Member

Under this global interface standard, Basler's partners, distributors, and end users can harness the full potential of network video technology, and benefit from easy integration a...

02.12.2010 • News

Basler IP Cameras Integrated With SeeTec 5

Basler Vision Technologies has teamed with SeeTec to integrate Basler IP Cameras with SeeTec5 video management software.In addition to Basler's box camera models, SeeTec 5 supports...

09.09.2010 • WhitepaperSecurity

Camera test: Basler BIP-D1300

In cooperation with Seetec, GIT SECURITY tests current and new video cameras under standardised conditions in the test laboratory of the SeeTec Hardware Competence Center. The Hard...

17.05.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

IP Cameras for a Safe Harbor

Whenever expensive items are involved, security is always a major concern. If you‘ve fulfilled a childhood dream of owning your own large boat, you would prefer to keep it safe fro...

11.01.2010 • Videos

Basler IP Cameras

The Basler network camera product line offers flexible, high-performance solutions for a wide range of applications in the area of security surveillance. The cameras meet the marke...

Fire Protection

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

The Bosch subsidiary Protec has equipped the entire grounds of Westminster Palace with fire and voice alarm technology.