building management

22.05.2022 • NewsSecurity

Forte Partners Teams Up With Helinick and Genetec

Office buildings in Bucharest are becoming more interactive, efficient, and safe. Partly, that’s because Forte Partners, an innovative real estate developer, has been working with leading security providers and integrators to move building resource management forward.

01.03.2021 • NewsSecurity

Platform-Based Access Management can Meet the Security Challenges of the Next Decade

As the way we live and work continues to change, people, data and goods move more fluidly than ever. It already seems less useful to think about building management functions in isolation. Rapid urbanization, technological change and shifting patterns in global working put these systems to use simultaneously, every day. How can a new generation of security technology address this?

31.05.2010 • TopstoriesManagement

Don’t Fear the Big Players

Advancis is known for it's security and building management system WinGuard. This constantly developed product ist distributed via integrators, OEM-Partners and in some exceptional...