network video recorder

11.06.2018 • TopstoriesSecurity

Basics of Storage

Collecting massive amounts of data is the trend of our time. Higher-resolution videos, smarter software and interconnection of devices, not just in the field of automation, keep se...

11.12.2017 • News

Update Your Arecont Vision Cameras

Arecont Vision megapixel cameras are cyber-secure and can be updated with new capabilities as they become available from our Engineering and RD teams, working in conjunction with o...

09.03.2011 • TopstoriesSecurity

CCTV: Safe Study

Students and staff at the new West Herts College campus in Watford town centre are now under the protection of a comprehensive security package specified and supplied by AIS, that ...

Retail Security

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain
three questions to five experts

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain

In our special focus, we ask three questions on security for retail to five experts