Safety/Security Partnerships & Management: The Winners of the Special Category at the GIT SECURITY AWARD 2025
The industry is alive - and more innovative than ever. Once again, users, readers, market participants and fans of certain products and solutions have made their choice, the winners have recently been announced and can now be admired and celebrated. Read here who wins a GIT SECURITY AWARD 2025 in safety or security partnerships and management - and why.
This is the twentieth time since 2005 that GIT SECURITY International has presented this pioneering award for innovative, economical or influential products, solutions or services in the industry.
Further information on the GIT SECURITY AWARD - and all other winners here.
1st Winner Special Category: The partners BVSW, THD and Police

The goal of the partnership between the BVSW, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and the Bavarian Police is to train and promote young talent for the security industry.
In 2019, the BVSW initiated the part-time bachelor's degree program "Security Management" at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Over nine semesters, students are taught both business management and security-related content. In addition to professors from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, security experts from industry and the police also give lectures. In this way, the program offers a unique practical orientation and prepares students for their future tasks.
The partnership between the BVSW, the Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, and the Bavarian Police is unique, as it offers the only opportunity in Bavaria to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Security Management. This program has been designed with a practical orientation and is offered on a part-time basis to meet the needs of students.
Contact and further information in the BVSW Company Channel
2nd Winner Special Category: the partners Schuberth and Twiceme with the product F300

The F300 helmet from Schuberth is the first firefighting helmet in the world with Twiceme HTH technology. This technology empowers professionals through safety and can protect them both before and after an accident.
Before an accident, Twiceme helps by monitoring the equipment through inspections and self-checks. After an accident, Twiceme provides quick access to important information about the injured person, such as name, identification features, medical information, allergies to medication, pre-existing conditions, emergency numbers and more.
Schuberth's helmets, which already offer the highest level of protection and quality, have now been enhanced with Twiceme's intelligent technology. The technology aims to prevent accidents and helps the emergency services to intervene more quickly in the event of an accident. Twiceme's technology is already used in the sports and construction industries, but Schuberth is the first PPE manufacturer in the world to use Twiceme's digital innovation to improve the protection of firefighters. This heralds a new dimension of protection in this segment.
Contact and further information in the SCHUBERTH Company Channel
3rd Winner Special Category: WIBU with Security Management System AxProtector CTP

AxProtector CTP is an innovative technology from Wibu-Systems that is revolutionising software protection. The manufacturer Wibu has created a new standard for the secure provision of software on multiple platforms - and is helping to secure the future of software development.
The product in detail: AxProtector Compile Time Protection (CTP) is a unique software protection solution in the global market combining licensing and obfuscation while achieving security on par with encryption-based tools. It obfuscates program code and data during compilation, increases complexity with the insertion of additional blocks and hiding of logical links within the code, encrypts the control flow and optionally adds integrity verification measures to fend off reverse engineering attacks. Leveraging the LLVM compiler, it can practically support any available frontend language and backend platforms. Software publishers and intelligent device manufacturers can then even secure applications that run in hardened environments, where code encryption is no lo
AxProtector CTP introduces several key innovations for companies in the safety and security sector that enhance software and product protection. The benefits include:
1. Compile-Time Obfuscation: By obfuscating the code at compile time and eliminating the need for runtime code modifications, AxProtector CTP strengthens the security of applications controlling safety systems, making reverse engineering practically impossible. This ensures that the proprietary algorithms and processes used in safety-critical applications remain confidential and protected against tampering. This is particularly relevant in regulated industries or systems where runtime stability and reliability are paramount.
2. Control flow encryption: By encrypting the control flow between small obfuscated program code blocks, static analysis becomes almost impossible.
3. Cross-Platform Protection: With support for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and compatibility with Intel, ARMHF, and AARCH64 platforms, AxProtector CTP offers a versatile solution that can be implemented across various devices and systems. This is particularly beneficial for integrated safety solutions that operate across different platforms and devices, ensuring consistent protection across all components.
4. Integrated Licensing and IP Protection: AxProtector CTP not only secures software against unauthorized access but also facilitates flexible licensing options. This enables companies to securely distribute and manage software for safety systems, such as access control or perimeter surveillance software, with built-in licensing and IP protection modes. It ensures that only authorized users can activate and use the software, reducing the risk of piracy or unauthorized access to sensitive areas.
5. Enhanced Security for macOS: With the introduction of tougher code signing guidelines by Apple, AxProtector CTP ensures that software which is even targeted for hardened runtime execution on macOS remains compliant and secure. This is crucial for companies developing macOS-based applications especially targeted for Apple Silicon.
6. Minimal Performance Impact: Despite the added security measures, AxProtector CTP is designed to maintain optimal performance levels. This is essential for safety systems, where real-time responsiveness and reliability are paramount, such as in fire alarm systems or emergency access controls.
7. Support for Modern Development Environments: Given its compatibility with common development environments and support for a wide range of programming languages, AxProtector CTP simplifies the implementation of advanced security features into existing development workflows. This facilitates the development of highly secure, cutting-edge safety applications without requiring significant changes to the development process.
In summary, AxProtector CTP offers comprehensive security enhancements that are crucial for the development and deployment of safety-critical software applications. By ensuring the integrity and security of software used in systems for fire prevention, video surveillance, access control, and workplace safety, AxProtector CTP helps companies safeguard their intellectual property and comply with stringent security standards, ultimately contributing to the overall safety and security of the environments they are designed to protect.
Contact and further information in the WIBU Company Channel