Cargo Screening

19.07.2012 • News

L-3 SDS Installs X-Ray System at Heathrow

L-3 Security Detection Systems announced today that it has successfully installed one of its new PX 18.18-MV200 dual-view palletized freight screening systems at Freightnet Handli...

04.11.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

No Place to Hide

Our article ‘Please Remain Seated'reported on Secura's system for scanning passenger vehicles and lightweight goods vans for contraband and/or dangerous goods. One key aspect was k...

04.11.2010 • News

Cargo und Passenger Screening in the Focus

Cargo und Passenger Screening processes are in the focus of various organisations after the events in Yemen.US-Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano toda...

03.11.2010 • News

IATA comments on Cargo Security

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on security regulators around the world to work together to make the skies more secure by addressing the challenges relate...

Retail Security

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain
three questions to five experts

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain

In our special focus, we ask three questions on security for retail to five experts