Video analytics: Server- or edge-based even or both?
Server or camera: which platform should your video analytics application run on? There are many options, and it is also worthwhile to look at hybrid approaches.
Server or camera: which platform should your video analytics application run on? There are many options, and it is also worthwhile to look at hybrid approaches.
Video analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning – most people have heard these terms before and think they know what they mean. In practice, however, many quickly flounder when such technical terms need to be explained and differentiated from one another. GIT SECURITY has asked Florian Matusek, Product Group Director, Video Analytics at Genetec what role they play in video analysis.
Video analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning – most people have heard these terms before and think they know what they mean. In practice, however, many quickly flounder when such technical terms need to be explained and differentiated from one another. GIT SECURITY has asked Florian Matusek, Product Group Director, Video Analytics at Genetec what role they play in video analysis.
Video surveillance has evolved from a simple requirement for clear images to video content analysis (VCA) for improved management. Now, with deep learning, security solutions are e...
Digital transformation is rapidly changing the video surveillance industry. A growing amount of digital security cameras are safeguarding public and private spaces. For example, Lo...
Perimeter protection is essential in critical infrastructures such as airports or utilities. Video analytics can greatly improve security in such environments while at the same tim...
The iconic and world-famous Charles Bridge in Prague is a tourist attraction spanning the Vltava River and is a magnet for visitors but its popularity has given rise to concerns re...
As the declared goal for the SeeTec software generation to come, was to offer the user the possibility to see more, understand more and for that to perform faster SeeTec Cayuga off...
Basic Safety Security: What is ‘Intelligent Video Security'? Professor Albert Einsteiger and his assistant Alida Anfang are not only smart, they are also didactically trained. In ...
W.I.S. Holding GmbH: video analysis and vein-pattern identification for DHL Air Hub Leipzig. DHL, the international market leader in express shipping, overland, and air cargo trans...
Pivot3 started out in 2003 with the intention of radically simplifying servers, memory and networks and making them more affordable. It was the first manufacturer to bring a comple...
Axis and the Safety and Security publications of GIT are both successful prodigies of the nineties, sufficient reason for them both to take a look back at their roots - and also to...
Kiev is a large city with a population of around three million people. Like any metropolis, the regulation of traffic flows in the urban center is an important task. Its solution h...
BriefCam, a developer and provider of Video Synopsis systems for reviewing, analyzing and indexing of surveillance camera content,was awarded the IFSEC Security Industry Award 2010...
VCA Technology has announced that it has worked with Mirasys to integrate its video analytics suite VCAsys into Mirasys networked video recorder (NVR) solutions including NVR Pro a...