27.05.2024 • Produkt

Salto: Brand Platform Wecosystem – GSA25 Finalist

Salto is updating its brand and uniting core brands under the Salto Wecosystem brand name to demonstrate its collective power of smarter access in every sense - access to places, experiences, and opportunities.


This brings together Salto, Gantner, and Vintia under one brand platform. This strategic development enhances the collective capabilities and enables the companies to offer innovative, comprehensive solutions across multiple industries.

The „WE“ within Wecosystem is the central element symbolising the internal partnership of the expert global teams, who collaborate closely, driven by a dynamic spirit and a shared passion that mean every part of the Salto Wecosystem is fully connected.

The group of Salto consists of 11 separate companies operating in different vertical and regional markets all over the world. Each of them embraces the latest technologies and prioritizes the open exchange of ideas to unlock new ways of working.

In contrary to usual practice of finding „synergies“, releasing workforce and shutting down production locations for maximising margins, SALTO went a different, more forward looking way to achieve more – together and with the same resources.

  • Gantner develops reliable and smart identification, access, cashless payment, and locker solutions that automate and digitise business processes, optimising organisational efficiency and security.
  • Salto continues to lead the way in pioneering building access, identity management, and electronic locking technology that ensures a secure, smart, and seamless user experience.
  • Vintia, the most recent addition to the brand ecosystem, specialises in innovative ticketing and booking systems that revolutionise the customer experience in the leisure and attractions sector.

Business Partner

SALTO Systems

Polígono Lanbarren, C/ Arkotz, 9
20180 Oiartzun

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