
02.02.2019 • ProductIT-Security

Strengthening the Weak Link

Kaspersky Lab has developed an Automated Security Awareness Platform to ensure that staff are armed with the very latest skills and knowledge. The online service aims to help compa...

03.12.2018 • ProductIT-Security

Moxa at SPS IPC Drives 2018

Moxa showcased its expertise in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) technology at SPS IPC Drives 2018, giving attendees a glimpse of how standard Ethernet with TSN technology enables t...

11.01.2018 • TopstoriesIT-Security

UK Security to launch in March

For many nations across the globe, the threat from international terrorism remains severe. Physical attacks, carried out by terror cells and radicalised individuals, in Barcelona, ...

19.09.2012 • ProductIT-Security

Open Video management software

Experience the NextAxxon Next is best-in-class, new-generation Video Management Software that is based on open standards to offer a truly open platform. Axxon Next’s reliability, p...

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