13.09.2012 • TopstoriesManagement

How to integrate video over IP

How to integrate video over IP. Professor Albert Einsteiger and his assistant Alida Anfang are not only smart, they are also didactically trained. in GIT SECURITY+ MANAGEMENT, they...

12.09.2012 • TopstoriesSafety

Sick AG: safety remote controllers

Sick AG: safety remote controllers. Those who speak of safety do not expect to receive proprietary island solutions from suppliers, but open and inclusive concepts with a high leve...

12.09.2012 • TopstoriesSecurity

IIPSEC: IP in security

IIPSEC: IP in security. Now in its 5th year the event showcases the very latest security based technology from the world‘s market leaders: “The International IP in Security Exhibit...

05.09.2012 • TopstoriesSecurity

Sick: exhibit monitoring by laser

Sick: exhibit monitoring by laser. Protecting old masterpieces with state-of-the-art technology – the LMS100 laser measurement system manufactured by Sick achieves this in numerou...

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Critical Infrastructure

Greatest Challenges in Critical Infrastructure

Greatest Challenges in Critical Infrastructure

What providers need to know and do to safeguard premises of critical infrastructures.