Access Control: Protection Against Card Cloning, Relay Attacks and CyberAttacks

Nedaps latest Continuing Professional Development (CPD)-approved Lunch Learn session helps security and Mechanical Engineering consultants build the now vital bridge between phys...

Nedap’s latest Continuing Professional Development (CPD)-approved Lunch & Learn session helps security and Mechanical & Engineering consultants build the now vital bridge between physical and IT security. Not only will attendees accrue CPD credits, they’ll be able to offer more value to customers by uniting physical and IT security best practices.

A risky knowledge gap
Today, physical security systems such as access control are more vulnerable than ever to cyber threats as attackers become more sophisticated. But many physical security consultants don’t have the IT security experience to know how to prevent them, and so may be at risk of leaving clients’ systems inadequately protected. Nedap’s new Lunch & Learn session aims to address this by focusing on how to protect against card cloning, relay attacks and cyber-attacks.

Award-winning best practices introduced
The best practices Nedap recommends in this CPD session have gained CSPN certification in France from the French information security agency, ANSSI. They also recently attracted a GIT Security Award in the access control category for Nedap during Security Essen.
GIT Security Award judges acknowledged that Nedap’s approach is the first to offer digital protection for access control by unifying best practices from both IT and physical security. “Until now, the principles used to secure IT systems haven’t been applied to security systems,” says Nedap’s security specialist, Ross Bale. “But the worlds of IT and physical access control are becoming ever closer. So we think it’s vital for security professionals to understand the threats the IT world faces – and the best practices we can use to protect physical security systems against them.”

A brand-free session led by industry experts
Nedap’s Lunch & Learn sessions are designed for security professionals involved in any aspect of designing and specifying systems to manage and support physical security. The aim is to share knowledge and experience, and give expert insight into industry trends and technological developments. The CPD accreditation ensures integrity and quality of the content without promoting brand-specific products or solutions.

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