Transportation Security

17.12.2012 • News

Safety is a priority at Liege Airport

In October 2012, Aviapartner Cargo Liege passed the TACSS standard (TAPA Air Cargo Security Standard) audit with ease and was awarded the TACSS certification. TACSS goes beyond leg...

27.08.2012 • TopstoriesManagement

IFSEC 2008 – a global approach

IFSEC 2008 - a global approach. According to CMP Information, the organiser of IFSEC, 30,753 attendees visited this year’s show when it took place from 12–15 May 2008 at the NEC in...

27.06.2012 • News

Gunnebo Wins New Metro Order in China

The Gunnebo Security Group has received a contract from the city of Haerbin in north-east China, to install entrance control solutions for the new metro line 1. The order includes ...

04.11.2010 • TopstoriesSecurity

No Place to Hide

Our article ‘Please Remain Seated'reported on Secura's system for scanning passenger vehicles and lightweight goods vans for contraband and/or dangerous goods. One key aspect was k...

06.09.2010 • News

Smart Cards for Metro

Payne Security announces that West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (Metro) has signed a contract with Payne Security to personalise and issue English National Concessionary...

Corporate Security

Corporate Security at BMW Group

Corporate Security at BMW Group

GIT SECURITY in conversation with Alexander Klotz, Head of Corporate Security at BMW  Group.