25.07.2019 • TopstoriesSecurity

Securing ATMs 24/7

ATMs have become a cornerstone of day-to-day life for millions, but they can also be vulnerable to attack. The global ATM Industry Association reported an increase of ATM crime of ...

11.06.2018 • TopstoriesSecurity

Basics of Storage

Collecting massive amounts of data is the trend of our time. Higher-resolution videos, smarter software and interconnection of devices, not just in the field of automation, keep se...

11.12.2017 • News

Update Your Arecont Vision Cameras

Arecont Vision megapixel cameras are cyber-secure and can be updated with new capabilities as they become available from our Engineering and RD teams, working in conjunction with o...

13.11.2017 • News

Surveillance System for Toyota Iran

IRToya chose Uniview to handle video surveillance in all branches. More than 30 cameras are installed in each branch, cover customer service area, entrances, offices and parking lo...

18.07.2016 • News

Power over Ethernet NVR by Uniview

Uniview will release a new 1 HDD 4KH.265 PoE NVR soon, which are named NVR301-P series. Featured by 4KH.265, it can help to upgrade your video surveillance system to higher resolut...

Retail Security

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain
three questions to five experts

Latest in Retail Security: Experts Explain

In our special focus, we ask three questions on security for retail to five experts