
27.08.2012 • TopstoriesManagement

IFSEC 2008 – a global approach

IFSEC 2008 - a global approach. According to CMP Information, the organiser of IFSEC, 30,753 attendees visited this year’s show when it took place from 12–15 May 2008 at the NEC in...

25.07.2012 • TopstoriesManagement

The key to success is people

The key to success is people. For forty years our authors have been inspiring the professional world by pinpointing solutions and sharing their foresight through our publications. ...

10.07.2012 • ProductManagement


KÖTTER Security: KÖTTER SOS-Phone. The KÖTTER SOS-Phone has been developed in order to guarantee quick first aid in case of accidents, assistance of first-aiders and reliable commu...

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Fire Protection

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

Safety Solutions for the Westminster Palace

The Bosch subsidiary Protec has equipped the entire grounds of Westminster Palace with fire and voice alarm technology.